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Get involved


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We are looking for people who will commit to pray for our students, orphans and staff members in Thailand. Partnership is vital to this ministry. The hope is to build a prayerful relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored.


Go to our Contact page to sign up for our prayer letters.  



Your much valued contribution will go towards accommodation and upkeep at Chrestos Mission.  Administration and governance costs are kept to a minimum and 98% of gifts are sent directly to Chrestos Mission in Thailand. 


Give a donation






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Approximately £1,000 per year is needed per student/orphan/staff member. Could you or a group of you from your fellowship help to raise this money?


  • A group of three people giving £1 per day would raise £1,000

  • Alternatively, a group of six people could give 50p a day to realize £1000 in a year.


Go to our Sponsorship page for more details.


View our staff gallery.



"At Ambassador, we are enthusiastic supporters of Chrestos Mission.  Although our church is mostly East-Asian in origin, many people have never heard of the Karen people, or the wonderful story of God's work amongst them.  Being able to visit the Bible School and Home of Peace and Joy in Mae Sariang, and through regular updates to our church, we feel that God has really opened our eyes to what he is doing in this part of his world. We love the vision of Chrestos to equip Karen men and women to understand God's Word for service in their home churches in the mountain villages of Northern Thailand, and pray that God continues to bless their efforts with much fruit."


John Percival, Senior Pastor, Ambassador International Church, Hong Kong

Active involvement in Thailand

"One of the great blessings of being located in Hong Kong is the ease with which we are able to travel to northern Thailand to see the work of Chrestos for ourselves. In addition to giving and prayer, we have taken several teams from our church to Mae Sariang. I have usually taught at the Bible school in the mornings, our church members have taught English and crafts to the students in the afternoons, and then we have often shared in a short service with the boys at the Home of Peace and Joy in the evenings. We have also made time to visit Karen villages and try to gain as much understanding of God's work in this part of the world as we can in a short space of time. We heartily recommend visiting Chrestos if you are able!"


John Percival, Senior Pastor, Ambassador International Church, Hong Kong

Ambassador International Church visit to Chrestos February 2018

"God has sent Chrestos Mission not only to support and serve us here in Thailand, but also to teach us how to be servant leaders of the Lord. “Servant Leadership” is what we can see in the core value of Chrestos Mission. It is amazing to see hundreds of our young people have become wonderful servants of God.


We are so thankful to the Lord, especially, for providing us Dr Geoffrey and Mama Pat Atkinson to lead us, guide us and walk with us all the way until now. Also, we are so grateful to the Chrestos UK Board for praying for us, supporting us and walking side by side with us, in order to accomplish the great commission of Jesus Christ our Lord together. We are truly blessed by Chrestos Mission. 


I believe and pray that Chrestos Mission will continue to be a great blessing for many people around the world forevermore."


Saw Prateep (Timu) Dee, General Secretary, Thai Karen Baptist Convention


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